The Object of Rotary is to “encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.” Rotary is a service organization. Since 1910, the Rotary Motto has been “Service Above Self.”
Rotary strives to achieve it’s objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in primary committees.
Club Administration: Selwyn Chalker
Club Service Projects: Scott Carter and Sherry Holt
Membership: Josh Bryson
Public Image: Rick Siegel
Rotary Foundation: Jessica Jenkins
Scholarships: Cynthia Dendy
Bingo: Bob Baxter
Social Media: Josh Bryson, Charlotte Muir
Web Site: Brian Egler, Zach Claxton and Slocum Howland
DACdb: Brian Egler
Youth Services: Tracy Franklin
Youth Exchange: Jeff Weller
Interact Chair: Tracy Franklin
Golf Tournament: Tom Graham
CART and PolioPlus: Robert E. Smith
Club Programs: Mark Chmar
Sergeant-at-Arms: Tracy Franklin