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Rotary Club of Highlands Grant Application
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                                                               ROTARY CLUB OF HIGHLANDS 

                                                                   GRANT APPLICATION

The Rotary Club of Highlands’ objective in awarding grants is to be involved in “startup”and/or new projects that applicants might be attempting. We would like to consider grants for one time purchases of equipment or funds for new projects that applicants could utilize on a one time basis.


Please fill out this application to be considered for a grant donation from the Rotary Club of Highlands.

This information will be used for the express purpose of evaluating and awarding a grant to your organization and will be held as private and confidential.

Please complete the following form and submit to: The Rotary Club of Highlands, P. O. Box 1741, Highlands, NC 28741


Organization Name:____________________________________________________________________

501(c)3 organization?  ___ Yes   ___ No   Fed. ID#: _______________ Pending:___________

Mailing address:___________________________________________________________________

Phone #:________________________________  Fax #:___________________________________

Org. Email:____________________________ Web Site:__________________________________

Contact Person:____________________________Title:___________________________________

Phone #:____________________________ Email:________________________________________

Amount of Funds Requested:___________________ Date Needed:________________________

Has the Rotary Club of Highlands contributed to your Org. before?___Yes   Date:________ 



Has your Org. made a project presentation to the Rotary Club?  ____Yes  Date:________

No: ____

Would a representative of you Org. be willing to make a presentation to the Rotary Club?


Please answer the following questions completely as possible. You may include additional information on separate pages if you need to.


What is the Mission of your organization?











Describe the project/purchase for which the funds requested will be used?










Describe the population that you hope to benefit from this project/purchase?











How will you recognize The Rotary Club’s contribution to your project/purchase?










Total Project/Purchase Budget:______________  Amt. Raised To Date: ____________________

What are your Org. plans to raise the balance of funds needed?















                                                                FOR ROTARY CLUB USE ONLY


Received:__________ Reviewed:__________ Amount:_________ Approved: ___Yes  ___ No

Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________

